Red Doodle Ranch has exceeded my expectations when looking for a puppy. This was my first time getting a puppy and they made things so easy. Upon visiting I saw the amount of love all the dogs received, and it made my decision that much easier! I really think the way the puppies were born and raised in their household helped Hugo become the best dog I could’ve ever imagined.

— Brier Mermis


10 months ago we got our puppy from Red Doodle Ranch, and we couldn’t love him more. He is a beautiful dog that is smart, athletic, goofy and just a pure joy. Whether he is curled up in a lap or bounding after a ball, he always brings a smile to our faces. He has a personality that even cat people love. Everyone that meets him loves him and his beautiful coloring. The breeder obviously loves their dogs and has checked in multiple times to see how it is going with him. We would highly recommend adopting a doodle from them to add to any family. He is gorgeous and his personality is even better. We couldn’t love him more.

— Misty Walker